Getting pregnant after having an abortion

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Here is a 500 word article on getting pregnant after having an abortion:

Pregnancy After an Abortion

Having an abortion does not mean you can never get pregnant again or carry a pregnancy to term in the future. Most women who undergo an abortion procedure can conceive and deliver healthy babies when the time is right. Here’s what to know about getting pregnant after an abortion.

How Soon Can You Get Pregnant Again?

You can ovulate as soon as 2 weeks after having an abortion, so you may become fertile again very quickly. Many providers recommend waiting at least 1 normal menstrual cycle before trying to conceive again. This allows:

  • The uterus to return to normal size and build up the endometrial lining again.
  • Cervical tissue to heal if dilated or instruments used during procedure.
  • Hormone levels and ovulation patterns to normalize after sudden pregnancy termination.
  • Processing the emotional aspects before conceiving again.
  • Confirming your cycle returns and is healthy before getting pregnant.

If you don’t wish to become pregnant right away, start using contraception as advised by your provider.

Does Surgical vs Medical Abortion Differ?

The World Health Organization states there are no known detrimental fertility effects from either surgical vacuum aspiration or medical abortion pills.

However, surgical methods that dilate the cervix can risk weakening it leading to potential cervical complications in future pregnancies. The risk rises with more dilations. Medical abortions avoid this risk.

Talk to your doctor about the best abortion method for you if future pregnancy is desired.

Will Future Pregnancy Be Different?

For most women, pregnancy after an abortion proceeds normally like any first pregnancy without increased complications. However:

  • Risks may increase slightly for preterm birth, low birth weight, and placental problems.
  • Recurrent miscarriages are more common in women with prior abortions.
  • Rarely, uterine scarring from aggressive surgical abortions leads to infertility.

Future pregnancy outcomes depend heavily on the abortion method, your age, and overall health. Work with your doctor on any special monitoring needed for pregnancies after abortion.

Does Abortion Affect Fertility?

Elective abortions performed properly do not appear to negatively impact long-term fertility or chances of conception. Studies show:

  • No change in ovulation, periods, hormone levels, or egg quality.
  • No correlation between abortion and impaired fertility later on.
  • No increased time to get pregnant in women with prior abortions.

Barring rare serious complications, both surgical and medical abortion are considered safe options that allow you to conceive and deliver in the future when desired.

Focus on Healing and Self-Care

Abortion causes a rollercoaster of emotions. Make sure to take time for self-care, process the experience, and access mental health support if needed. When you feel physically and emotionally ready, you can try for a healthy new pregnancy with optimism.

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